American Idol Jude J.Lo wants to give contestants more opportunity

1st October 2010

October 1, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Jennifer Lopez, who helmed the reins of the new "American Idol" judge, promises to be a kinder and more appreciating a judge, in place of sharp-tongued and sarcastic Simon Cowell.

J.Lo and her fellow new judge Steven Tyler (vocalist of rock legends Aerosmith) spoke just yesterday about their first time experience of facing hundreds of contestants from the Jersey City, this week. The two want to be more lenient and compassionate, as because both of them have faced the troubles of a first time artist.

Lopez said that she wouldn't want an awesome singer not to get through, as the contestants can be nervous about the whole deal. Thus, she wishes to be compassionate about judgment. She knows that her judgment can crush a person's mettle.

Surely they would be nervous, but then again with a little encouragement, they can shine on through. She further adds that she and Tyler would wish to provide them with a bit more opportunity.

Tyler said some of the participants are so young, that he doesn't know how long they would need to toil before they become a star. The participants, however all seem to be spirited and there should be a nice, healthy competition going on.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Jennifer Lopez,