Akshay Kumar has a brilliant idea to support the families of martyrs

25th January 2017

Known for his active co-operation in every social cause, Akshay Kumar is one such Bollywood actor who had always been supporting the army forces and the ones who guard our nation on the borders; tagged as the patriotic actor himself, Akshay recently opened up about women safety and expressed his concerns about the same through a video. This time Akshay is standing up for the betterment of the families of the soldiers who lose their life while fighting for the security of our nation.

He posted a video on his Twitter handle and captioned it as, "Here I am standing up AGAIN for something I truly believe in coz THEIR well-being MATTERS to ME.I'd love to know if it does to YOU as well?."

The video starts with Akshay thanking all the supporters and overwhelming response he received via messages and tweets who liked his take on women safety. India celebrates its Republic Day on 26th of January and as it is round the corner, Akshay has a brilliant idea in his mind to help the families of the martyrs.

As Government always compensates the families of the soldiers, many common people regret of helping the families. According to Akshay we should have a website or a mobile app where the bank account details of the closest member of the soldier should appear on the website or app along with the financial status of the family on the very next day of his death.

Talking about the donation amount he said that the person can donate whatever amount of money he wishes to donate and there will be no restrictions on the amount. The website or the app will have to showcase all the details of the donor and the amount of donation which will maintain the transparency of the transactions. The moment the amount reaches a limit of 15 lacs Rs. The said account will be removed from the website for forever. He took help of maths to explain his theory, he said we live in a country with a population of over 125 crores of people, even if 15000 people donate merely 100 Rs. at a time the amount of 15 lacs Rs. will reach to the familes in just 4 hours, which is the normal time taken by the banks for the e-transfer transactions.

Akshay has also urged the people to share their views and opinions so that he himself will take efforts to create such a website or an app with the permission of the Government and the armed forces.

What is your opinion about Akshay's idea???

Watch the whole video here.

Tags: Akshay Kumar,