Anne Hathaway discusses naked photos

29th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Anne Hathaway has joked she was tricked into having her photo taken naked in bed with Jake Gyllenhaal and the director of her new movie.

The 28-year-old actress had just finished filming some of the scenes for Love and Other Drugs with 29-year-old Jake when the director of the film, Edward Zwick, proposed that the three of them celebrate by getting into bed together and taking photographs.

The script of the film revolves around two emotionally-closed young people who embark on a sexual relationship so there had already been a lot on nudity on set by the time the photograph was suggested.

We had finished shooting all the nudity, and I was on my way to have a donut - my first in months - and my wonderful director said, You know what guys, youve been through a lot together, and before you put your clothes on... he goes, I was wondering if I could strip down and get into bed with you and we will all take a picture together, Anne told the Australian radio programme the Kyle and Jackie O Show. And then Ed said, dont worry these are just for my personal abuse and no ones ever going to see them and like young fools we believed him.

It turned out that the even though the brunette actress was promised the picture would stay a secret, it became more exposed than she had even anticipated.

The photograph is now used as the poster to promote the film, but with Edward edited out.

So the lesson of that is when a director says lets get naked - trust me no one will know dont believe him because now that image is the poster of the film with him removed Anne laughed. (C) Cover Media
