Announcement of sanitation project made by Vivek on his birthday

4th September 2015

Actor Vivek Oberoi is well known for his philanthropic work and because of this he dedicates his birthday every year for a noble cause. And this year too it was no different.

The actor who just turned 39, announced a sanitation initiative under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.

Confirming the news that as many as one lakh toilets will be built across the country, Vivek said, "It's been 12 to 13 years... I decided to celebrate my birthday in a way that makes an impact and touches peoples' lives. I always celebrate it every year with children who are fighting cancer. We will be throwing a party for them once I go back (to Mumbai). This (the sanitation initiative) is an important cause too. We wanted to do this impactful project where we make one lakh toilets across India."

Pointing out the fact that many women find it embarrassing to go out in the open for loo, the actor further added, "They don't go in the day and hold on to their systems till night. That ends up spoiling their health really badly," he added. He shared that a research was done for them and they found that a lot of girls drop out from schools too. "When girls turn 12 or 13, their body starts to change and they become conscious to go behind the bush. Boys in school tease them as they are curious at that time. So, a lot of girls stop going to school because of that. That was very upsetting to hear."

Vivek wishes to build toilets in as many places as possible and has already received positive response from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttarakhand and Karnataka states. "A lot of people reached out and said they want to do this with me," he said. Starting off on a philanthropic note, Vivek will end the day with a romantic dinner with his wife. "My wife surprised me by flying in. She has a romantic dinner planned for me," said the actor, who has a long to-do list before he hits 40. "I'm excited about my daughter (who was born in April). Before I turn 40, I want to ensure that I do something really special for her and for my son. On the professional level, I definitely want to start my own production house, go out there and make a difference in terms of all the good work that we are doing." he concluded.

Tags: Vivek Oberoi,