Anthony Hopkins and wife lose weight

22nd September 2010

September 22, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):It has been reported that acclaimed actor Sir Anthony Hopkins has lost a total of five stones in weight on a harsh diet.

He is 73 now and claims to be in the best shape of his life. He has successfully decreased a total of 1800 calories per day and has been now working sweating it out in the gyms six days a week.

Hopkins admits about his new found 'health freak' title and is a man who cautiously watches what he consumes and at the same time also maintains a very firm regime of fitness. This particular Welsh born actor, had received an Oscar way back in the year 1991 after he played the role of the psychotic Dr Lecter in 'The Silence Of The Lambs'. He however gives full credit to his wife Stella Arroyave for aiding him to lose as well as maintain his healthy self.

He has been living off on an extreme diet and has lost a total of 80 pounds so far. His extreme diet cuts out each and every meat substance.

He says that even as he did gain some weight while shooting in Europe, he still is fit and slim much thanks to the careful watch of his 18 year junior third wife, a native of Colombia.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Anthony Hopkins,