Ashley Greene - Joe Jonas Start Live-In Relationship

21st December 2010

December 21, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Twilight actress Ashley Greene and singer Joe Jonas have planned to start living together. According to reports in the media, Ashley Greene has asked boyfriend Joe Jonas to move in with her at the apartment in the Granville Towers of Hollywood where the actress currently lives. And Joe Jonas has agreed because that will mean getting to spend more time with the love of his life. Joe Jonas, who has had a string of affairs in the past has recently become serious about his actress girlfriend Ashley Greene and he really wants their relationship to last. Therefore he is putting in his best efforts into the affair and is trying hard to keep Ashley Greene happy.

A friend of the couple has said in a statement to the media that the decision of a live-in relationship was taken at the spur of the moment, as it came across as the best solution to the couple who had been living apart for some time because of professional commitments keeping them busy.

So does the live-in relationship hint at marriage between Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene? Not at all if the words of the actress are anything to go by. Ashley Greene has been heard saying that she does not believe in marriage as only vows do not mean that a person will be yours forever. Therefore it is only a live-in relationship for the young couple at the present moment.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Ashley Greene,