Ashley Jensen says no to nude scenes

12th February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ashley Jensen has joked her porn career is over now shes a mother.

The Scottish actress lives in the US with her English husband Terence Beesley and their son Francis Jonathan, who was born in October 2009.

The 41-year-old is best known for her roles in the television series Extras and Ugly Betty, and says that having a young son will influence the roles she accepts in the future.

Becoming a mum is such a profound change that Im sure it will affect what projects I take on, she told the British edition of OK! magazine. Id never do nude scenes. My porn career is over!

Ashley and actor Terence married in January 2007 after meeting in 1999 while working on a stage production of King Lear.

The actress who has recently voiced Nanette the frog in the animated film Gnomeo and Juliet revealed she misses her son and husband when she goes away for work.

Its not easy. Its probably the hardest thing about my job, she said. (C) Cover Media
