Beyonc Knowles had baby minders'

21st January 2012

Beyonc Knowles reportedly arranged for two bodyguards to accompany her daughter around hospital.

The American singer and her husband Jay-Z welcomed their first child, Blue Ivy, into the world earlier this month. She was born at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City and there have been reports that the couple spent a lot of money on security measures.

It's now been suggested the pair even got minders to watch over the tot.

"While they were in the hospital, Blue was assigned two security guards to accompany her wherever the nurses took her," a source told Look magazine.

Shortly after Blue was born Jay-Z wrote a song for her, in which he revealed Beyonc had suffered a miscarriage in the past.

That is thought to have made the pair even more protective of their child, with Beyonc apparently refusing to let the little girl out of her sight. She is said to have even told close friends becoming a mother might have a lasting impact on her career.

"I don't think you could find a more devoted husband and father than Jay," an insider explained. "He's besotted with his daughter and Beyonc's been saying she doesn't know what she's done to be so lucky.

"The plan was for Beyonc to take maternity leave and then return to work. But now she's been saying there is no way she'll be able to leave Blue."

Tags: Beyonce Knowles,