Beyonc Knowles knows baby's sex

18th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Beyonc Knowles and Jay-Z know what sex their baby is, Tina Knowles has revealed.

The couple are expecting their first baby in February.

Beyonc's mom is excited about becoming a grandmother for the second time and was dropping plenty of hints about the new arrival at the Angel Ball in New York on Monday.

"Yeah they know what they're having," she told Life & Style. "But I'm not telling!"

Tina confessed that Beyonc has been suffering from morning sickness. But she has been working hard to get herself through it.

However, Tina thinks that when Beyonc has the baby she will be forced to slow down a bit.

"She went through it [morning sickness], but she's got past it now," she explained. "She's doing really good. She's busy. She's going to be an awesome mom. I think it will slow her down somewhat, but I think she'll be the same great person she's been."

The designer also had plenty of praise for rapper Jay-Z. She believes the 41-year-old will make a fantastic father.

"I think he's going to be awesome," she added. "They are very, very happy and just glowing. It's great to see." (C) Cover Media
