Bill Murray still bitter' about school play

30th June 2012

Bill Murray is still "bitter" about missing out on a starring role in a school play.

The actor was upset he didn't win a speaking part in the nativity production but instead ended up in the choir.

But the Groundhog Day star joked that at the time he probably wasn't saintly enough to portray one of the lead characters in the story of Jesus Christ's birth.

"I'm still bitter about this," he told Empire magazine. "It was a grade-school nativity play and I was beaten out for the role of the innkeeper. I don't know why I wasn't chosen as Joseph, but I suppose I wasn't holy at the time. So I almost got the innkeeper, but Matt Klein got it instead. I ended up being in the choir and we had to wear these cardboard halos."

Bill also revealed two of his nicknames.

The Ghostbusters star shared the hilarious moniker his former co-star Dan Aykroyd has given him.

"Danny uses The Murricane. [Laughs] I don't know if I can live up to that. Otherwise, a few people call me Sleepy. When I was a little kid playing baseball, my manager called me Sleepy," he explained.

Tags: Bill Murray,