Bipasha isn't upset over breakup

25th July 2011

Bipasha Basu, the head strong, no-nonsense girl, isn't amongst those who cry over a broken relationship. Instead, she's one of those who move-on with life, with double the enthusiasm. The actress, who led a life on her own terms, was bold enough to confirm her broken relationship a few days back. Now she's bluntly stating that post-break up, she's isn't upset but on the contrary, is in a happy phase.

She recently tweeted to clarify the rumors which stated that she was heartbroken post the break up. She wrote "Waking up to stories about my life everyday is no fun! Making me sound tragic when I am in a happy place is not ok with me! ". She further stated, that she was in no mood to discuss her personal life in public. "Wht happens between 2 ppl is supposed 2 stay between d 2 when its over, that's d dignity that I have grown up with and the respect I deserve. I dn't need to be on a talk show 2 prove my goodness! My relationship with John Abraham is over fr good, fr reasons knwn best to d both of us," she added. "My break up happened almost a year ago! Why r these stories coming up now? Is it a pr-exercise for a film or overimaginative journalism?", Bipasha posted on her Twitter page.

Tags: John Abraham, Bipasha Basu,