Channing Tatum: Love is creative

3rd February 2012

Channing Tatum believes tokens of affection are a good "creative outlet."

The 31-year-old actor and Jenna Dewan have been married since July 2009.

No longer newlyweds, Channing is intent on keeping the romantic spark alive in their relationship.

"I see caring for somebody as a creative outlet," Channing told People magazine. "I like drawing little faces and writing little stories and hiding them in places [for Jenna to find]."

Channing often hides these love notes in spontaneous places.

"I'm a practical joker. My favourite one is putting one under the toilet seat," he laughed. "She always wakes up before I do, so I enjoy the surprise of 'Haha! I got you!' "

Channing is convinced that graciousness leads to fulfilling relationships. He makes every effort to be mindful of Jenna's needs.

"[It's easy for some people to get] distracted and forget about being thoughtful," Channing said. "I don't think it's that hard to be thoughtful, especially when you do care about the person."

Channing's new romantic drama The Vow will be released in the US next week.

Tags: Channing Tatum,