Charlie Sheen wants Tyson tiger

1st July 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Charlie Sheen is desperate to buy Mike Tyson's tiger.

The troubled actor is renowned for his flamboyant personality. He was sacked from Two and a Half Men earlier this year after getting into a war of words with producer Chuck Lorre and network CBS, and was also vocal about how much he was enjoying living with his two goddess' girlfriends.

Both women have now deserted Charlie, so he's looking for a new way to fill his time. He's a fan of social networking website Twitter, and was excited when one of his fans suggested he buy iconic boxer Mike's tiger. The beast featured in movie The Hangover, and Charlie thinks it would be the perfect pet.

"Mike..! How much for the tiger? What d'ya say? Can I have it?" he wrote on Twitter.

Charlie is currently celebrating after employing a new social media intern. The position was hotly fought for, with Josh Burstein scooping the job.

He's thrilled to be on board, taking time to thank Charlie on Twitter and use on the actor's best known catchphrases in the process. "Tiger blood, coarsening through my veins. Excited for the opportunity!" he wrote.

Charlie is adamant he's picked the right man, and is apparently considering marking the occasion personally. When someone suggested he get a wrist tattoo now the decision has been made, Charlie replied: "Duh..! I'll do it myself (sic)!!" (C) Cover Media
