Charlize Theron: I don't judge

26th May 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Charlize Theron isn't too hard on herself when she makes parental mistakes.

The Hollywood star surprised the world when she announced she had adopted a baby boy called Jackson earlier this year.

Charlize noted earlier this week on the Ellen DeGeneres Show that she is finding assistance with child rearing through her domestic pets, as her dogs Berkley and The Pitt frequently entertain Jackson.

The actress is also looking to books to provide her with the knowledge she needs to care for her son.

"A lot of people have sent me these children's books, and there's this amazing book, a best-seller [called] Go the F**k to Sleep. This book was fantastic for me because it made me realise that I don't need to judge myself right now," Charlize told MTV News.

"The whole book is just basically, 'Please, go the f**k to sleep.' [Jackson] doesn't understand anything right now, and so he just wants my face to look a certain way." (C) Cover Media
