Charmy to play sex worker

27th March 2012

Looks like Charmy is following the footsteps of Anushka and Kareena Kapoor.  For, the actress is set to play a sex worker in one of her forthcoming movies.

If sources are to be believed, Charmy is going to do this role for director Chandu of 'Tenth Class' fame. 

Throwing light on the project, Chandu said, "This is a musical love story that deals with the relationship between a sex worker, a singer and a writer. Charmy's character is a meaty one."

Meanwhile, Charmy who is acting in a Malayalam movie is all praises for Mammootty. "Mammooty is such a normal human being, very simple and always cracking jokes on the sets. He has a wonderful sense of humour", she said.


Tags: Mammootty, Charmy Kaur,