Chris Brown: It's human nature to love

12th September 2012

Chris Brown wants children suffering from domestic violence to know that "there is a way out."

After his mother Joyce divorced his father, her new boyfriend turned out to be violent.

In 2009 Chris assaulted his then girlfriend Rihanna, resulting in him being sentenced to probation, community service and counselling.

Chris has decided to give back to his community and for three years has volunteered with his mom at the Los Angeles based domestic violence charity Jenesse Center.

"I think with my situation as a kid and the trials and tribulations I've dealt with in my life, it is only right that I share with people who have gone through the same thing as me and show them there is a way out," he told Extra.

"I want to show these kids I love them."

Chris is establishing a foundation called Symphonic Love.

The philanthropic organisation creates art programmes for youth that according to the website encourages "every day public service, respect and kindness."

"My mom has a big heart and all my fans know that," he explained.

"As humans, that's our nature, to love one another. I think it is only right that me and my mom help out."
