Chris Klein says Sorry about DUI

4th September 2010

September 4, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Chris Klein pleaded guilty to one count of DUI and he was sentenced to 96 hours of jail time after he apologized for his misdemeanors. Chris got arrested in June for the offence when he was driving down the L.A. freeway with a .24 blood alcohol count, which is three times over the legal limit.

The actor was driving at 3am in the morning with his dog in the vehicle. The actor posed significant risk to himself and the other cars as he could have caused a huge pileup in one of the busiest freeways. This is not a first time offence for Chris; he has been apprehended for Driving under Influence before.

Chris ran the risk of serving as long as 1 year in prison for drinking and driving, but the Judge considered that he has taken steps to get rid of alcohol addiction. Right after the incident Chris checked into a rehab and wants to turn his life around. The Judge Blair Berk realized Chris's urge to get better and gave him the minimum 96 hours of jail time that is reserved for the second time offender.

The Judge also imposed a four years probation period on Klein and ordered him to drive a car with an alcohol interlock device.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Chris Klein,