Christian Bale: I hate interviews

16th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Christian Bale has admitted he would never do another interview if he had the choice.

The 36-year-old actor is both critically and commercially acclaimed following starring roles in American Psycho, The Dark Knight and The Machinist. Despite this success the actor has revealed his dislike for the promotional side of filmmaking confirming that in an ideal world his only job would be to perform.

"I want to be able to just act and never do any interviews but I don't have the balls to stand up to the studio and say, I'm never doing another interview in my life! So I tip my hat and go, Okay mister! All right mister! I'll go do the salesman job," he told Esquire magazine.

Christian has been married for the past ten years to former model and make-up artist Sandra Blai and the pair have a daughter, Emmeline, who is five years old. The star readily admits that he sometimes finds his celebrity status a burden and as a result attempts to keep his personal life as private as possible.

Christian confirmed that his attempts to create a distance between him and the general public only serve to help the audience suspend disbelief when watching his films.

"Look, I've got incredible pride for my family, he added. I've absolutely fallen into that clich of a dad who could just happily talk about my daughter endlessly. But it's not what I'm about in terms of being an actor. I don't want people to know about that. I don't want people to know me, because if you know something about somebody, it gets in the way of just watching the guy as the character." (C) Cover Media
