Connie Britton: Moms are sexy

9th October 2012

Connie Britton wants to "get rid" of the stereotype that mothers aren't sexy.

The 45-year-old portrays mother-and-country singer Rayna James in TV series Nashville.

Connie has an adopted son, Eyob, and realises the importance of not losing sight of your sexuality when you are a parent.

"It's important in whatever character I play that I show as many different levels of what it is to be a woman as I can. That includes being sexy!" she revealed to the November edition of Redbook.

"I want to get rid of the whole idea that women who are wives and mothers and working in the world no longer have any interest in their sexuality, because that's not my experience."

Connie brought Eyob home from Ethiopia in 2011.

For the actress, motherhood was something she always knew she wanted to pursue.

"I always knew I wanted a child, and I always assumed I'd be doing it with a man Then my parents passed away within three years of each other," Connie explained.

"Right after that, a light bulb went off in my head and I thought, 'What am I waiting for?' I wasn't in a relationship at the time, but I thought, 'This is something I want to do. I can do it."

Tags: Connie Britton,