Demi Moore Mistakenly Hugs Colin Owens As Ashton Kutcher

14th January 2011

January 14, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher is a significantly great couple and are almost always seen quite comfortable and in love every time they make a public appearance.

So was the case when they appeared for the No Strings Attached recently. Both were walking quite happily to the event which was quite a pleasant sight for their fans too.

However, with top stars and their body doubles things do start to get a bit confusing. So is the case with the body double of the hottie Ashton Kutcher.

According to the buzz doing the rounds, this guy called Colin Owens is the body double of Ashton Kutcher and he dresses up just like him making it even more difficult for everyone to spot the real Ashton Kutcher from the fake one.

Thus this guy Colin has gone on to state that many a times Ashtons lady love Demi has mistaken him to be Ashton and even had gone to him in for a cute hug.

Amidst this confusion rumors going around were that in that case probably the guy Colin could have smartly taken a chance to get to kiss Demi whenever the mistaken identity took over. But hold on- No way- this guy called Colin is way too faithful to his body double and since he claims that Demi is a great friend, he would never ever take advantage of the situation.

Well mistaken identity or not this sure seems to be a win -win situation for all three.

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, No Strings Attached,