Emma Watson Upset Over Her Fake Nude Pictures

9th November 2010

November 9, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Emma Watson, the child star from the Harry Potter series has now grown up graciously enough to protect herself from being taken for a ride.

Sometime back there were reports about the star wanting to pursue her studies, as she had had no time in the past to do so due to her busy film career. However now that she has become quite a popular star there is no way in which she can escape the attention from every nook and corner of the world.

Thus even in Brown University she has become a popular star figure but with a twist.

Reportedly, there are nude pics of the actress with a towel wrapped around her waist and posing topless being circulated in the University campus. However her spokesperson has declared that these are fake pics of the star and according to a popular tabloid report, Emma finds these fake pics to be quite tiresome. The actress is quite upset with the turn of events and is trying to get to the bottom of this.

Well from being seen as a cute child star and then being thrust into the limelight as a young budding star, only to be met with this sort of a negative publicity would surely make it pretty tiresome for any young girl! But for Emmas sake, lets just hope she sails through this infamous episode without a hitch.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Emma Watson,