Giuliana Rancic: I might miss baby's birth

2nd July 2012

Giuliana Rancic has revealed that she may miss the birth of her longed for baby.

The E! News host and her husband Bill are expecting a little boy, being brought to term by a gestational carrier, in August.

But Giuliana told The Today Show that because she will be in London covering the Olympics, she could miss out seeing her child being born if he comes early.

"The baby is due the end of August, [and] I wrap at the Olympics on August 11," she shared. "So we are going to be on standby."

"We think it's going to be okay. The doctor assured us. He thinks maybe even early September the baby will come."

Giuliana added that Bill is "thrilled to be having a son."

"I mean, he would have loved a girl too, but it was funny because I told Bill, You realise you can't play ball with him for awhile?'" she laughed.

" he thinks at six months they're going to be playing catch, I'm like, Honey, that doesn't happen for a little while.' He's like, I was waterskiing at three-years-old.' I'm like, Slow down, slow down, honey!'"

Tags: Giuliana Rancic,