Giuliana Rancic to undergo double mastectomy

5th December 2011

Giuliana Rancic has decided to have a double mastectomy.

The television star announced her decision on the Today show this morning. The 36-year-old revealed she was suffering from breast cancer in October.

Giuliana explained that undergoing the mastectomy and reconstruction "was not an easy decision but it was the best decision for me."

Giuliana is determined to maintain a positive attitude throughout her illness.

She hopes that her decision will educate people and encourage more women to remain healthy.

"First, I would like to take the stigma away. 'Mastectomy' the word seemed so scary to me at first. After doing research and seeing the advancements, the surgery has come a long way from 20 years ago. The results can be incredible. Not only can it save your life, but you can come out feeling healthier and with a positive self-image," she explained on the show.

"Second, I want to encourage everyone to be proactive with their health and get checked out."

The presenter was also eager to thank her fans and supporters.

She believes that all the messages of encouragement she has received have helped her recovery.

"The overwhelming outpouring of love, prayers and support really helped me heal faster," she smiled. "I want to make sure to thank everyone and give them an update for being so kind and loving and supportive."

Although Giuliana is feeling anxious about the procedure, she isn't worried about the scars the double mastectomy will leave behind. She believes they will only make her more beautiful.

"Am I scared? Yes. Scared of the unknown. Scared of the pain," Giuliana confessed. "But I'm not scared of what I'll be like. I'll have scars, but I like scars. Scars are beautiful because they tell a story.

"I'll be able to say that I survived something major and it's made me stronger. I will be a better woman for it."

Her husband Bill Rancic appeared by her side on the talk show.

He fully supports his wife and her decision.

"Bill told me, 'I don't care about the physical results. I just want you around for another 50 years. I need you healthy. I need you as my wife. I need you as a mother to our kids,'" she added.

Her surgery is set to take place next week.
