Gwen Stefani: Kids come before music

21st August 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Gwen Stefani can't do "twelve-hour days" anymore because her children are her number one priority.

The singer spoke about reuniting with her band No Doubt and reflected on how much has changed since the group went into hiatus ten years ago.

During their time apart, the iconic frontwoman focused on her solo career and personal life, getting married to rocker Gavin Rossdale and giving birth to sons Kingston, six, and Zuma, four.

"Priorities have to change. Before, it was unspoken that the band was the number one thing; there was not a girlfriend or someone else that could be before the band. It wasn't even something we discussed, it just was what it was," Gwen told "But we're at a stage where we don't have to be like that anymore; we can kind of do this when we want to do it. Like today, for instance, I told them [the band], I cannot do twelve-hour days anymore, stop it!' I just missed Kingston and Zuma going to sleep. But I get to talk to you, and it's actually a nice break my kids are so much work. [laughs]"

Gwen also revealed what influenced her return to No Doubt after becoming a successful solo artist.

While the 42-year-old enjoyed exploring a different side to herself, she missed being with her bandmates.

"There's nothing that compares to being in a band with your best friends you've known all these years. Playing live is so automatic and so electric," She said. "That whole period when I got to do [solo] records, to me it was indulging my theatrical side, and getting to be really creative that way songs that were never really meant to be taken seriously, just for fun

"But there's no place like home; we're so comfortable together, we understand each other. It feels, like, normal. Whereas that [solo] period felt like I was trying to be something, and play a role, and pretend." (C) Cover Media
