Gwyneth Paltrow: I exercise in the shower

13th January 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Gwyneth Paltrow says she is sometimes so busy she has to exercise while showering.

The actress has a hectic schedule, balancing her work commitments with raising her two children with husband Chris Martin. Gwyneth often doesnt have enough hours in the day to achieve all the goals she has set herself, so has learned to multi-task.

In her latest GOOP newsletter, the star has revealed a typical day in her life and it sees her drop her kids off to school and then try to squeeze in exercise, meeting with her stylist, promoting her latest movie, baking cupcakes for charity and cooking healthy meals for her family.

Did dance aerobics for 45 minutes then all of the butt lifts and the like, Gwyneth wrote. Rushed upstairs to have a shower, doing my post workout stretch while the conditioner was doing its magic on my hair to combine activities/save time.

The 38-year-old wrote the diary in November last year, when she was preparing to show off her singing voice by performing at the Country Music Awards. Gwyneth compared the event to her own personal Superbowl and revealed she had received additional singing lessons to ensure she was prepared.

However, her busy day prevented her spending too much time on her vocals, so once again she had to double up on her tasks to ensure she was ready for her session.

Had to do my vocal exercises/warm-ups in the car, sooo not a good look, she added. Fellow drivers looked on a bit bewildered. (C) Cover Media
