Gwyneth Paltrow offers hangover cures

29th December 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Gwyneth Paltrow prefers to "flush out" the alcohol in her system after a night out drinking.

The 39-year-old actress has shared her methods of combating a bad hangover on her website GOOP in a bid to help readers "prepare for the day after [New Year's Eve]."

Gwyneth is a proponent of canned hangover prevention drink Mercy, which is available online and in New York City stores.

"Full disclosure, this stuff is so good that I went ahead and invested in the company," Gwyneth wrote in this week's GOOP newsletter. "Mercy is a drink that is almost like a health elixir -- packed with amino acids, vitamins, minerals and herbs that protect your system against the inevitable hangover and that flush you can get from drinking. You can drink it alone or mix it with alcohol to create a hangover preventing cocktail. I also drink one if I'm just feeling tired to give my system a boost."

If drinking a tonic is not particularly appealing, Gwyneth recommends some pampering.

"If you have the time and the inclination, I've found that the best hangover remedy can be a hot and cold spa treatment," she continued. "I've been known to recreate this experience at home too. Just draw a bath that is as hot as you can handle it and mix in some Epsom salts and baking soda. Soak for 20 minutes and then pop into a freezing cold shower for one minute. Get back in the hot bath and stay until you're warmed up. Then get back in the shower for one more minute."

Should these remedies fail, Gwyneth often succumbs to a less ideal alternative.

"Perhaps the least healthy choice, but sometimes unavoidable. At times, just a little of last night's poison does the trick," Gwyneth declared. (C) Cover Media

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