�Houdini Magic on Zee Caf�'s Survivor Samoa�

9th September 2010

September 9, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The Galu tribe returns to camp from Tribal Council for the first time without their leader, Russell. The men of the tribe acknowledge the fact that they are even in the male-to female ratio, and face a potential female dominance if they do not act fast. Brett and Erik propose bringing Shambo into their male alliance. "Even though she's a chick, Shambo doesn't fit in with the other girls, so we have to pull Shambo back over to our side and make sure that Shambo is like one of the dudes," Erik suggests. All of the Galu males concur, and the plan is set in motion. "When we're down to the final five, we can burn her no problem," says Dave. galu struggles to elect a new leader and the men hatch a plan to put a puppet regime in power as a pre-emptive strike against a blossoming female alliance, on "SURVIVOR: SAMOA"

-- Sampurn Wire
