Jane Lynch laughs off prediction

12th November 2011

Jane Lynch couldn't stop laughing after a medium predicted she has a strong career as a saleswoman in her future.

The openly-gay actress has become well-known the world over for playing acid-tongued cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester in TV show Glee.

Jane and her wife Lara Embry recently enjoyed a meal out in Los Angeles, and passed a fortune teller on the way home. They decided to stop by, resulting in much hilarity.

"The psychic obviously had never watched Glee [she predicted Jane would start] pursuing a career as some kind of saleswoman," a source laughed.

The couple were prepared to give the medium another chance. However, when she started mentioning what was coming up in Jane's love life they had another fit of the giggles.

"The prediction was that she's would marry a tall, dark and handsome gentleman in the medical field, possibly a doctor," the insider told National Enquirer.
