Jennifer Aniston yoga secrets

21st May 2011

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Jennifer Aniston's toned body is the result of adhering to a particular variety of yoga which involves frequent movement.

The 42-year-old US actress works with trainer Mandy Ingber to achieve her enviably trim figure, and the fitness guru has been dishing the secrets behind Jennifer's amazing body.

Apparently Jennifer is a big fan of teaming yoga with other popular work-out moves, which help her stay flexible and healthy.

"We generally do flow yoga, which is like Ashtanga it involves moving frequently and holding various poses," Mandy told the British edition of Glamour magazine.

"Then we do exercises that combine toning moves and yoga. So, we might do eight repetitions of leg lifts, squats or lunges, then hold a yoga position for 30 seconds.

"I finish off with sit-ups and 15 minutes of stretching to cool down the body."

Mandy added that Jennifer's slender frame is helped along the way by "lots of Vinyasas". She explained that this involves a set of 12 postures which see adherents move from "standing with your hands in the air, to a bending position, to a plank, and up again". (C) Cover Media
