Jennifer Love Hewitt is sexy cook

7th March 2012

Jennifer Love Hewitt thinks pole dancing and cooking go hand in hand.

The actress is famed for having a fluctuating body shape but has found the perfect way to keep fit. She has embraced the art of pole dancing, which she works around some of her other hobbies.

"It's a great way to get in touch with your sexuality. I also love to cook, so I can have a cake in the oven while I do a pole dance," she explained to the April edition of Maxim magazine.

The 33-year-old actress has been incredibly slim and also more voluptuous during her life and finally feels happy with the way she looks.

She discusses her favourite body parts in the interview, revealing she is pleased she was blessed with a large bosom.

"It's horrible to say, but I like my boobs," she laughed. "They've always served me well. They're good."

Jennifer is currently single and although she is happy on her own she does worry about meeting the perfect man.

Her fame means many men feel they can't approach the actress, which she finds frustrating.

"It might sound so stupid, but guys do not hit on me," she said. "I'm not really sure why."

Tags: Jennifer Love Hewitt,