Jessica Alba: Pregnancy isnt sexy

8th March 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Jessica Alba says pregnancy is grounding not sexy.

The 29-year-old actress recently revealed she is expecting her second child with husband Cash Warren. Jessica is experiencing a good pregnancy so far but insists she doesnt feel as glowing about her appearance. However, the star says the experience makes her feel more attached to other females and aware of the planet.

I just dont associate being pregnant with being sexy, she told People. I think being pregnant is grounding and you feel like part of the earth and connected with women. Its not a sex thing to me. Its a grounding, maternal thing.

Jessica, who already has two-year-old daughter Honor Marie, went on to reveal she will be keeping the sex of the baby a secret. The actress and her husband will know if they are having a boy or a girl, but want to keep it a surprise for everyone else.

Were going to find out, but we probably wont announce it. We did the same with Honor, she explained. She is going to be a very attentive big sister.

Jessica says Cash has been supportive, most loving and caring during her second pregnancy and she has found it easier than the first time she was expecting a baby.

The beauty believes the secret to parenting is not to put yourself under pressure to be perfect and to do the best for your children.

[Expecting your second child] is less overwhelming and less daunting, for sure, she added. You accept that youre going to make mistakes, that youre going to try your hardest and youll love them with your everything. Thats all you can do. (C) Cover Media
