Jessica Biel recalls bath rage

2nd September 2012

Jessica Biel remembers feeling furious when her grandmother demanded she bathed as a toddler.

The actress has recalled one of her earliest memories - the birth of her brother Justin. Although she was excited about his arrival, she disliked what that meant for her cleanliness.

"When I was three, my little brother was born in hospital while I was staying with my grandmother. She told me I had to take a bath if I wanted to hold the baby and I was adamant I didn't want to take a bath," she laughed to the British edition of Grazia magazine. "I just remember being like, Oooooh, if you weren't bigger than me, I swear.' I was so angry."

Jessica has also revealed her biggest regret in life. The star dropped out of college to focus on her acting career and now wishes she could have formed closer bonds with fellow students.

"I wish I had graduated college," she explained. "I regret not spending time with my peer group I was being pulled in different directions."

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