Jessica Simpson - Eric Johnson: Will They Or Wont They Have A Prenup?

9th December 2010

December 9, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): It was only a couple of weeks back that Jessica Simpson announced her engagement to boyfriend of six months Eric Johnson, and now that the couple is formally engaged, is a wedding ceremony on the cards for them? At least media reports point to the fact, considering that Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson are already planning a prenuptial agreement. But again, will the couple have a prenup at all? This is the question that not only their fans but also their closest friends have been debating for the past couple of days.

According to a source close to the couple, Eric Johnson loves Jessica Simpson very much. Why else would the former NFL player pop the question to his singer actress girlfriend so early on in their relationship if he had not been sure? Therefore, it can be said that Eric Johnson will do anything that his fianc wants before the wedding. Which also means that he will be ready to put his signature on the prenuptial agreement because so is the wish of Jessica Simpson. This sounds a little strange considering that it was only a few days back that Jessica Simpson had said that she does not want any prenup! Is the girl getting the insecurity pangs because she is now the owner of millions?

Jessica Simpson has gone on record saying that each day with Eric Johnson is a loving experience in her life and that she loves him very much but the deterrents inside the industry are of the opinion that the ex NFL star has chosen Jessica Simpson not out of love but for her huge inheritance and property. But friends of the couple are very supportive and have said that Eric Johnson is not a gold digger and will never hurt his to-be-wife. Another reason why he will sign a prenup if she wants!

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Jessica Simpson,