Jodie Foster: Movies are like love

22nd May 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Jodie Foster knows she is ready to take on a new movie when she feels like she has fallen in love.

The actress sometimes finds it hard to move on from the last project she's worked on, especially when the subject was close to her heart.

The Hollywood star, who also directs and produces movies, admitted that it has taken her a while to get over the intensity of certain pictures.

"I think you get affected by the subject of the last movie and how much blood went into it," she told Total Film.

"You're ready when you're ready. You know when you're ready because you find something and you fall in love with it and you know you're not ready when you can't find anything to fall in love with..."

Jodie, who has starred in Hollywood classics such as The Silence of the Lambs and Little Man Tate, also revealed the film she found the most difficult to get out of her head.

The Brave One, in which she plays Erica Bain, a woman who seeks revenge after having been brutally attacked, changed the 48-year-old as a person.

"Of all the movies I've had a hard time casting off, The Brave One was the hardest to walk away from," she said.

"I think it switched a light bulb off in my head that made me evolve differently personally and then I just didn't want to... go back." (C) Cover Media
