Jon Voight: Angelina has enough kids

24th April 2012

Angelina Jolie's father Jon Voight believes she has enough children.

The Hollywood actress raises six kids with her fianc Brad Pitt. Jon doesn't see the couple expanding their brood any time soon.

"I love kids," he told RadarOnline. "[But] I don't think so... six is quite a group, you know!"

The actor is glad he has reconciled with his daughter so he can be close to his grandchildren. The two had a falling out in 2002 after Jon said Angelina should get help because she had "serious mental problems". They ended their estrangement in 2010.

"I think because parents are with them on a daily basis they may not see the changes as dramatic as a grandparent does, but they live through every change," Jon said of watching his grandchildren grow up.

"You don't see them for a little while and then they have different growth spurts and develop different enthusiasms and you hear them talking."

The 73-year-old star is over the moon about the announcement of his daughter's engagement to Brad. He told Us Weekly they are yet to make any plans as they are just enjoying the excitement of the proposal.

"It was very nice I thought," he said of the happy news. "If they're going to have a wedding it's wonderful. Of course, they're the parents of six kids. They've been that way for a while.

"They haven't given me any insight into [the wedding]. I can't really trust what people say and so I have to get it from Angie."

Tags: Jon Voight, Angelina Jolie,