Julianne Hough: Mary J. Blige calls me sister

16th June 2012

Julianne Hough has gushed that Mary J. Blige calls her "sister".

The two women star alongside each other in the new movie Rock of Ages and struck up a close friendship on set.

The 23-year-old dancer-turned-actress was nervous about singing alongside the R&B star, but knows Mary didn't judge her.

"There was a lot of downtime where we just bonded. We are really close. She calls and leaves me messages, out of the blue, all the time that are like, I just want you to know that I love you so much, Julianne, and you are so amazing.' She just boosts my confidence, every day. She said, I am here for you, whether I am your friend, your sister, your aunt, your mom. Whatever you want me to be, I will be'," Julianne told movie website Collider.

Julianne also revealed how she started out in Hollywood.

Now a successful budding star, the blonde beauty was determined to make it in the entertainment industry but it wasn't always easy.

"I had $2,000 in my pocket when I came to L.A. and I told my Dad I had $5,000, so I could move out here" she explained. "I remember that I lived with a bunch of models. They would do a job and get like $10,000 and I would be like, This sucks!' And then, they wouldn't work for a month. They would just be in their pyjamas when I left, and then, when I came home, they would still be in their pyjamas, while I was out working and auditioning. I thought they were so lucky. We are still really good friends now, but it was hard. I was working my butt off."

Tags: Julianne Hough, Rock Of Ages,