Justin Bieber: I dont know who to trust

27th September 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Justin Bieber is angry he has to be so guarded now he is famous.

The 16-year-old singer is well known around the world, with his good looks and catchy songs winning him hordes of young female fans. Justin enjoys many aspects of being a celebrity, but is beginning to realise there are some downsides too. He is tired of things he says being taken the wrong way, and has learnt to watch the way he phrases things to avoid causing controversy.

u know u wake up and you go online sometimes and see your words twisted or isolated from the whole meaning. It is frustrating..., he wrote on his twitter page. you become gaurded. sometimes u dont know who to trust. U say one thing to someone and it comes out totally different (sic).

Justin added one of the reasons he likes the social networking site so much is that he gets to speak in his own voice, and tell fans exactly how he feels.

He then took the opportunity to discuss his love life, giving hope to millions of admirers when he admitted he would date a fan if it felt right. My fans and i we LOVE EACHOTHER. But to be IN LOVE with someone u need to get to know them personally, he wrote. I get asked all the time would I date a fan and my answer I would date whoever I fall IN LOVE with, and yes that could be a fan (sic). (C) Cover Media
