Justin Bieber: Mom is still protective

2nd March 2012

Justin Bieber says his mom will still call him every day even though he is 18 now.

The music superstar reached the milestone yesterday and was thrilled when his manager presented him with a luxury car. Although Justin is looking forward to having more independence, he admits his mom will still be checking up on him.

"Well, 18 requires a lot of responsibilities; moving out requires me to be alone, without my parents. So, legally, I can make any decision I want," he replied when asked how his life will change during a fan Q&A session with MTV News. "My mom's still going to be there, probably, calling me every day. Probably won't be able to get away from her for too long. Eighteen's going to be fun. I look forward to a lot of touring and a lot of spending time with my fans, so 18 is going to be a great year."

Justin also revealed he is harbouring a desire to expand his career beyond music. The heartthrob would love to test out his acting chops and has also confessed an interest in settling down and having a family.

"I see myself acting," he explained when asked about his plans for the future. "I have some ideas right now I'm working on. I see myself in ten years having a family. Twenty-eight, that's a good time to really have a family 'cause I want to be a young dad. Maybe, [it's a] long time away though. Don't get any ideas, people. It's not happening anytime soon."

Justin who is dating Selena Gomez - insists he has remained grounded despite his success.

The star is eager to help others make it in the music industry after Usher gave him his big break.

"Giving back is one of the most amazing things that I'm able to do with my career, just being able to pay it forward," he added. "I was signed by Usher, a fellow artist, and I was recently able to sign a girl named Carly Rae Jepsen, who has a single called Call Me Maybe, so she's blowing up right now. It's a great song. She's great, so why don't I help her get out of Canada?"

Tags: Justin Bieber,