Justin Timberlake defends Britney Spears

15th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Justin Timberlake has jumped to the defence of his former girlfriend Britney Spears, stating it's "f**ked up" to criticise the star on anonymous internet forums.

The singer-and-actor enjoyed a high-profile relationship with Britney in 1999 but the pair split abruptly in 2002 amidst speculation of Britney's infidelity.

Britney is currently promoting her seventh studio album, Femme Fatale, and the 29-year-old star has faced a backlash against her lack-lustre dance moves in the promos for her singles Hold it Against Me and Till the World Ends.

Even though he claims he "can't remember the last conversation [he] had with [Britney]," Justin has defended his ex-girlfriend against a viral video critiquing her most recent choreography.

"The internet is a cruel place. What a f**ked-up thing to do," he told Playboy magazine. "In Britney's defence, if you pulled up a video I did from 2003, I couldn't do the sh*t I did then either."

Justin is bothered by anonymous internet forums that contain to cruel taunts. The 30-year-old American star says even the most famous celebrities have feelings and it isn't right that people can say what they like without thinking about the repercussions.

"I'd love to see the people who comment about Britney online say those things to her face, because they couldn't," he mused. "But this thing that happens online bothers me - these anonymous commenters. People think they can say anything and it doesn't matter to people." (C) Cover Media
