Justin Timberlake: Pot calms my mind

14th June 2011

(Cover) - -No story type selected- - Justin Timberlake has admitted he smokes pot to "turn off".

The singer-turned-actor has revealed the drug helps him to switch off from his over-active imagination that sometimes hinders him.

Justin insists the drug suits some people as it allows them to relax.

"The only thing pot does for me is it gets me to stop thinking," he explained in an interview with Playboy magazine. "Sometimes I have a brain that needs to be turned off. Some people are just better high."

Justin admits he needs to take more time out of his hectic schedule to "enjoy" life at a slower pace. However the hard-working star says he constantly wants to learn, and likes a new challenge.

"I feel I'm just getting to a point in my life where I'm looking around, going, There's a lot to enjoy if I can just sit still, actually stop and take more time," he said. "You always need to be learning something new. In whatever I've done, I've always looked at myself as a beginner. Hopefully I can continue to do that for the next 30 years as I grow into an older man."

Justin has had a colourful love life since dating Britney Spears in the late 90s. The relationship ended in 2002, and he has since gone on to date a sting of beauties including Cameron Diaz and Jessica Biel.

The 30-year-old American star, who was recently linked to his Friends with Benefits co-star Mila Kunis, has admitted he prefers to date women in the entertainment industry because they are more understanding of his lifestyle.

"You probably gravitate toward people who understand your scenario. At the end of the day you just want someone who gets you, who can be a friend. That's kind of the point of Friends with Benefits," he explained. "As corny as it sounds, the 'friends' part counts just as much as the benefits' part, if not more."

Justin and Mila are starring in the upcoming romantic comedy which sees two pals embarking on a sexual relationship which complicates their friendship. Justin says shooting the intimate scenes with the Hollywood beauty was difficult.

"I'd be lying if I said it wasn't completely awkward," he added. "I couldn't tell you the number of people in the crew watching me and my bare a*s, but it was a lot." (C) Cover Media
