Kate Beckinsale: I love reality TV

12th August 2012

Kate Beckinsale has revealed her "really embarrassing" guilty pleasure.

The actress likes watching TV in her downtime, but admits not everything she tunes into is that educational. Kate enjoys reality TV, which makes for dramatic viewing at times.

"I love, this is really embarrassing, I love that show Wife Swap. When they pick people who are like, white witches, and then swap them with people who are incredibly uptight," she told the UK edition of OK! magazine.

"It's so terrible!"

Kate is married to director Len Wiseman and she has 13-year-old Lily from her previous relationship with Michael Sheen. The 39-year-old star is unsure whether to add to her brood.

"There's absolutely part of me that goes, I'd love to have a baby in the relationship I'm in, and have that experience when the relationship is really good and exclusive, but I'm just not sure," she admitted. "At some point the decision will be made for me, when my ovaries dry up and die.

"We'll see. There's nothing that makes me go, now I must have triplets!'"

Tags: Kate Beckinsale,