Kate Bosworth energised by festivals

15th April 2012

Kate Bosworth loves the "mass of energy" she feels at music festivals.

The actress always looks forward to the summer months because it means she gets to see her favorite bands playing outdoor shows. She is a particular fan of the Coachella event in California and never misses it.

"I go every year and it is guaranteed fun. You're out in the middle of nowhere and all of these people are forming a mass of energy," she explained. "I saw Arcade Fire last year and that was one of my favorite musical experiences. This year, I'm going with the Mulberry gang and I can't wait to watch Radiohead."

Although it is her job, Kate would be a movie buff even if she wasn't an actress. She loves watching films and is particularly excited about one which will be released soon.

"I'd go back to the 20s [if I had a time machine]. The fashion and the atmosphere looked so exciting," she told Company magazine. "I'd love to play a role of someone from that era. I can't wait for The Great Gatsby with Carey [Mulligan] and Leo [DiCaprio] later this year."

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