Kate Moss: Jagger is a sex god

26th May 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Kate Moss thinks Sir Mick Jagger is one of the "sex gods" of music.

The British model is well known for her love of rock. She regularly attends music festivals, sang with her ex-boyfriend Pete Doherty's band and is now engaged to The Kills' star Jamie Hince.

Kate has an eclectic taste in music, but tends to veer towards older rock stars. She is a particular fan of The Rolling Stones, citing their lead singer Mick as one of her favourites.

"Mick Jagger, David Bowie - all those sex gods of rock," she replied, when asked which musicians she likes.

"And Lady Gaga gives you the feeling it's OK to be able again to get really dressed up."

Kate is mother to eight-year-old Lila, her daughter with ex-partner Jefferson Hack. She cites having the child as her proudest achievement to date, explaining how elated she was when Lila entered the world.

"When I gave birth to Lila, after I did it and I was just thinking, Yeah! I really made it!'" she laughed to Gala magazine.

Kate and Jamie are marrying this summer, although they're keeping details of the nuptials close to their chests. The 37-year-old model can't wait to walk down the aisle though, and has hinted another baby might be on the horizon.

"First of all I am going to get married," she replied, when asked about her future plans. "And maybe more kids? Who knows what the future will bring. My career is OK so far, anyway." (C) Cover Media
