Keira Knightley: Love gives me confidence

7th September 2012

Keira Knightley feels confident because she knows she is loved.

The British actress who is engaged to musician James Righton - is a great believer in gaining strength from the "power of love".

She feels comfortable in her own skin as a result of her underlying knowledge that she is cared about by the people who matter to her.

"I will never underestimate the power of love again! It makes you a stronger human being," Keira explained to German magazine Joy. "I would have had no self-confidence if I didn't feel loved by my partner, my family and my friends."

The 27-year-old is currently promoting her new movie Anna Karenina.

Although her A-list status means she is often under the spotlight, Keira doesn't seek out public attention.

The beauty insists that having supportive parents is enough to prevent her from craving fame.

"I've always had the feeling that I am loved - my parents gave that to me. I couldn't imagine how life would be without it," Keira continued. "I think I would be one of those women who always want to be in the centre of attention, who can't exist when no-one is paying attention to her. Without love your world falls to pieces."

Tags: Keira Knightley, Anna Karenina,