Lana Del Rey writes in motion'

27th January 2012

Lana Del Rey prefers to be "in motion" when she composes music.

The 25-year-old singer is receiving critical acclaim for her new album Born to Die.

Lana composed most of the tracks while she was taking a stroll.

"When the body is in motion the mind kind of follows. I like to write when I'm moving, when there's nothing getting in the way," Lana told British newspaper the Sun. "I just write while I'm walking and I'll take it to one of my producers and ask him to help me put chords underneath it."

Lana gets inspiration for songs in other unique ways. Exposure to natural elements gets her energised.

"One of my best friends, Daniel the string composer on some of the songs is who I stay with in California," Lana explained. "When he went to work, I would go down to the foot of the hill, underneath the telephone wires. When it's really hot, they're really electric and crackle. I would try to get energy from the wires."

Anything that happens in life can act as a creative catalyst for Lana.

"I think when I'm writing the melodies they just sound bittersweet because I've found things to be a little bit difficult at times, but also beautiful," the singer explained.

Her album Born to Die was released last month.
