Lindsay Lohan reports for morgue duty early

26th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohan arrived early for her community service today.

The 25-year-old caused a furor last week when she arrived late and was turned away from her first day at the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office.

She arrived on time the following day but she has gone another step forward this morning by turning up nearly half an hour early.

"Lindsay arrived 20 minutes early at the morgue," her representative Steve Honig told RadarOnline.

The troubled star will spend her eight hour shift scrubbing floors, cleaning toilets and clearing up after autopsies have been performed including washing soiled linens. However, she will not have to touch any dead bodies.

The Mean Girls star was ordered by Judge Stephanie Sautner to complete at least 16 hours a week at the morgue before she next appears in court for her probation violation hearing on November 2.

Her probation was revoked last week following her dismissal from the Downtown Women's Center in Los Angeles where she failed to turn up nine times for her court-ordered community service.

Lindsay arrived at the morgue today looking very dressed down in a grey hooded sweatshirt and a beanie hat which is a far cry from her glamorous day yesterday.

The actress apparently took part in a photoshoot for Playboy magazine at a mansion in Beverly Hills where she is rumoured to be receiving a near $1 million pay cheque for posing nude.

Lindsay could receive an 18-month jail sentence if she is found to be in violation of her probation.

Meanwhile, her father Michael Lohan is in trouble with the law after being arrested on charges of domestic violence following an altercation with his on-again, off-again girlfriend Kate Major.

The judge in Florida set bail at $5,000 for the 51-year-old who police claim threatened to throw Kate from a fourth-floor balcony for refusing to perform a sex act on him. (C) Cover Media
