Lindsay Lohan surveillance video sold

6th March 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - The security video linked to the Lindsay Lohan felony theft case has been sold.

Following her release from the Betty Ford Center in January, the troubled 24-year-old actress was accused of stealing a necklace and charged with felony grand theft, which she has pleaded not guilty to.

The latest twist in the ongoing saga is that the jewellery store where the necklace went missing has sold a surveillance tape where Lindsay can be seen in the shop, with the rights to the video having been licensed to Entertainment Tonight, who are set to broadcast the footage tomorrow night.

This new development could make the case particularly complicated, and according to Radar has caused uproar from both the prosecution and defence

"Neither side wanted it released," source told the publication. "Neither side sanctioned this sale."

The actress has been accused of taking a $2,500 necklace from Kamofie & Company, which is located close to her home in the Venice Beach district of Los Angeles.

Lindsay is due to return to court on March 10, and will have to tell Judge Keith Schwartz whether she will accept a plea deal. She has already been warned that this would come with a jail sentence.

Sources have reportedly told website TMZ the star does not want to agree to a plea deal if prison time is part of the package though. It is thought she would prefer to go to trial and assert her innocence. (C) Cover Media
