Lindsay Lohans Father Claims Her Daughter Is Back At Her Best

19th January 2011

January 19, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Troubled American actress and pop singer Lindsay Lohan has returned home after a troubled 2010. The 24-year old is now enjoying her stay with home and has got support from her doting dad Michael Lohan, who claims that her daughter is a changed woman following her rehab stay for three months.

Michael is convinced that his daughter has come back at her best. Lindsay has passed 2010 either in jail or in rehab and has frequented these two places for breaching her probation from a 2007 DUI arrest. Earlier this month, Lohan completed her court-ordered stay and as per her dad, she is now keeping herself away from all kinds of addictions. Michael further informed that his daughter is regularly attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings.

Lindsays dad said that he is convinced that his daughter has turned her life around successfully after spending life in jail and rehab. Michael said that they attended an AA meeting last night and then had a quiet night at home. She is a calm and responsible person now and is trying hard to avoid alcoholic items. Her dad is now feeling proud of this 180 degree turn of her.

He further informed that Lindsay has successfully passed all drug tests these days. Every week, she is undergoing four or five tests successfully. According to Michael, Lindsay is doing great these days and has become very serious about her health.

We hope Lindsay soon returns back to entertain her audience in the coming days!

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Lindsay Lohan,