Makrand Deshpande will soon walk down the aisle

24th November 2015

Popularly known for his theatre work Makrand Deshpande will soon tie the knot with his live-in partner Nivedita Pohankar.

Two met six years ago and instantly hit it off. Confirming the news he said, "Yes, I am getting married early next year.So far, it didn't occur to me that I should marry. There has been no pressure from my family either. It's not just about being in a relationship, but to become one took us time. She is a writer and understands me better."

Nivedita is a writer by profession, has penned down two plays and is currently working on a feature film.

He further added, "I like listening to her and admire her perspective towards life and people. She is not judgmental, but is observant."

Makarand Deshpande will soon walk down the aisle

Tags: Makrand Deshpande,