Michael Bay Offers $50k For Information For Puppy Throwing Woman

2nd September 2010

September 2, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):Michael Bay the director of 'Transformers' was particularly appalled by the cruelty of a girl. The woman is wearing a hooded sweatshirt and keeps chuckling while throwing the innocent puppies into the river.

Animal cruelty is particularly despicable crime and it seems that there is no limit to it. People tend to think that uncivilized people are prone towards animal cruelty. Recently a video was uploaded that showed a girl in a red hood throwing six puppies into a river. According to new report Michael Bay has offered prize money of $50,000 to any person who will provide the whereabouts of the woman in question to the right authorities. All the puppies were squealing and whimpering and the girl was laughing while a cameraman filmed her committing the crime. This video has animal lovers all over the world up in arms.

Both PETA and Michael Bay have gone on to despise this insane act of cruelty by the woman and condemned the act. The video irked Michael Bay so much that he asked one of his employees to announce a reward on his official site. Let us hope that Michael's reward hastens the arrest of this particularly deranged individual so that she may not commit such heinous crimes anymore.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Michael Bay, Transformers,